XponentL's Inaugural Newsletter -

Discover the Power of Data 

XponentL's Inaugural Newsletter -

Discover the Power of Data 

Hey there. We are excited to welcome you to the inaugural edition of the XponentL newsletter. Our mission is to offer valuable insights and strategic solutions to help businesses thrive in the data-driven landscape of today and tomorrow. In each edition, we will explore data-centric topics, feature company updates, and highlight our valuable partnerships. 

Hey there. We are excited to welcome you to the inaugural edition of the XponentL newsletter. Our mission is to offer valuable insights and strategic solutions to help businesses thrive in the data-driven landscape of today and tomorrow. In each edition, we will explore data-centric topics, feature company updates, and highlight our valuable partnerships. 

Hey there. We are excited to welcome you to the inaugural edition of the XponentL newsletter. Our mission is to offer valuable insights and strategic solutions to help businesses thrive in the data-driven landscape of today and tomorrow. In each edition, we will explore data-centric topics, feature company updates, and highlight our valuable partnerships. 

A word from our team

Welcome to this dynamic and captivating platform where diverse ideas intersect, innovation flourishes, and collective visions soar. With the launch of our inaugural XponentL newsletter, our goal is to embark on a journey of enlightening discussions and impactful knowledge sharing. Through this endeavor, we aim to collectively unlock the limitless potential of our data-driven world. Our expert team will provide exclusive insights into the inner workings of XponentL, offering unique perspectives on industry trends, exploring data-focused subjects, and providing updates on our company's progress. We will weave compelling narratives of our successes and learnings, granting you a privileged view into our relentless pursuit of data excellence. We are embarking on a journey and our goal is to create a collaborative and enriching experience. We value your questions, ideas, and insights as they will be the driving force behind our discussions. Together, we aim to approach unexplored areas of the data landscape, uncovering new opportunities and finding solutions to existing challenges.  As we move forward, let's always remember that every piece of data has a unique story to tell. It is our collective mission to actively listen, learn, and utilize these narratives to create a brighter and more informed future.

Welcome to this dynamic and captivating platform where diverse ideas intersect, innovation flourishes, and collective visions soar. With the launch of our inaugural XponentL newsletter, our goal is to embark on a journey of enlightening discussions and impactful knowledge sharing. Through this endeavor, we aim to collectively unlock the limitless potential of our data-driven world. Our expert team will provide exclusive insights into the inner workings of XponentL, offering unique perspectives on industry trends, exploring data-focused subjects, and providing updates on our company's progress. We will weave compelling narratives of our successes and learnings, granting you a privileged view into our relentless pursuit of data excellence. We are embarking on a journey and our goal is to create a collaborative and enriching experience. We value your questions, ideas, and insights as they will be the driving force behind our discussions. Together, we aim to approach unexplored areas of the data landscape, uncovering new opportunities and finding solutions to existing challenges.  As we move forward, let's always remember that every piece of data has a unique story to tell. It is our collective mission to actively listen, learn, and utilize these narratives to create a brighter and more informed future.

CDO Corner

I’m super happy to bring our first Newsletter to the amazing community we’ve developed around XponentL and hopefully help to extend to a broader network. The first few months of this ride were fast and furious! I’m happy to announce that the market reaction to XponentL has been amazing, showcased by our clients and key partners. The team we have brought together is one of the best in the industry and we look forward to continuing to lead around the concept of data products.

I’m most proud of the following accomplishments our team has delivered to date.

1. We’ve created a data product framework that showcases the disciplines necessary to operationalize your data product strategy.

2. We have developed data product maps within key industries that help business teams understand the gap we are helping to close through data products. This has been a tremendous asset in educating business teams on “what will be different” and why they should participate in this transformation.

3. Our data marketplace accelerator has helped clients truly understand the art of the possible in closing the gap between their questions and answers. We are excited by our partner community’s advancements in the space and utilizing their tools across clients.

4. We are in the process of developing leading industry solutions with our partners that will help our clients solve problems in very complex data environments. There are some big announcements coming!

5. Finally, I can’t stress enough the amazing team we’ve put together. They are compassionate, thoughtful individuals that, when brought together, are a force unlike what I’ve seen in the industry. I can’t thank them enough for their hard work and client focus.

With all that said, I titled this CDO corner post “Running in the land of the gods” for a reason. We play in a big space with behemoths of industry. Leading services and technology companies that dwarf us in size! Are we afraid…. never! “Why?” you ask. Because our intention in creating this company is like Prometheus’ intent in providing fire to humans as it was a symbol of knowledge, technology, and progress. Our approach to working with our clients is the same.We hope to become a Titan in the industry that helps our clients progress. We hope to become a symbol of ingenuity and resilience.

In the clouds of chaos everyone needs a dark knight. I look forward to the opportunities ahead and hope you all come with us on this amazing journey to create a better future. 

I’m super happy to bring our first Newsletter to the amazing community we’ve developed around XponentL and hopefully help to extend to a broader network. The first few months of this ride were fast and furious! I’m happy to announce that the market reaction to XponentL has been amazing, showcased by our clients and key partners. The team we have brought together is one of the best in the industry and we look forward to continuing to lead around the concept of data products.

I’m most proud of the following accomplishments our team has delivered to date.

1. We’ve created a data product framework that showcases the disciplines necessary to operationalize your data product strategy.

2. We have developed data product maps within key industries that help business teams understand the gap we are helping to close through data products. This has been a tremendous asset in educating business teams on “what will be different” and why they should participate in this transformation.

3. Our data marketplace accelerator has helped clients truly understand the art of the possible in closing the gap between their questions and answers. We are excited by our partner community’s advancements in the space and utilizing their tools across clients.

4. We are in the process of developing leading industry solutions with our partners that will help our clients solve problems in very complex data environments. There are some big announcements coming!

5. Finally, I can’t stress enough the amazing team we’ve put together. They are compassionate, thoughtful individuals that, when brought together, are a force unlike what I’ve seen in the industry. I can’t thank them enough for their hard work and client focus.

With all that said, I titled this CDO corner post “Running in the land of the gods” for a reason. We play in a big space with behemoths of industry. Leading services and technology companies that dwarf us in size! Are we afraid…. never! “Why?” you ask. Because our intention in creating this company is like Prometheus’ intent in providing fire to humans as it was a symbol of knowledge, technology, and progress. Our approach to working with our clients is the same.We hope to become a Titan in the industry that helps our clients progress. We hope to become a symbol of ingenuity and resilience.

In the clouds of chaos everyone needs a dark knight. I look forward to the opportunities ahead and hope you all come with us on this amazing journey to create a better future. 

Partner Updates

Partner Updates

At XponentL, we firmly believe in the power of collaboration. Our partnerships are more than just strategic alliances; they represent a shared vision and mutual growth towards transforming the data landscape. Keeping abreast of our partners' advancements and achievements is crucial, as they often signify progress in the broader data industry, and more importantly, the direct impact of our collaborative efforts. In each edition of our newsletter, we endeavor to bring you the latest updates from our partner network. This feature is designed to keep you informed about their most recent initiatives, product launches, industry recognitions, and thought leadership insights. By doing so, we hope to underscore the value of our combined efforts and the influence of these partnerships on industry trends. This month, our partners have made significant strides in a variety of areas, from launching innovative data products to earning noteworthy accolades for their contributions to the industry. We are proud to share these achievements with you, and hope they provide valuable insights into the dynamic, forward-thinking nature of our extended network. Stay tuned to this section to get an inside look at the pioneering work our partners are doing, as we collectively drive towards a more data-centric future. In a remarkable series of developments among our partners, DataBricks made a significant stride forward, as Grammarly announced their transition from their in-house data lake to using the Databricks Platform that relies on Medallion Architecture. Importantly, DataBricks has also acquired Mosaic, marking a key expansion in their portfolio.The platform of cloud data firm Snowflake received a significant boost as Nvidia integrated its AI computing platform, enhancing Snowflake's capabilities further. AWS launched generative AI-powered healthcare services that open up new possibilities in the healthcare industry. In a joint move with Google and Microsoft, AWS has also become part of a new AI group that aims to develop safety standards proactively, ahead of policymakers. Microsoft also introduced a free AI training program offering a professional certificate, promising to democratize AI education. In a similar move, Dataiku integrated with OpenAI to target responsibleAI, demonstrating a commitment towards ethical AI practices. Our partner, Tamr, announced an exciting investment by Alteryx Ventures, which will no doubt further fuel their growth and expansion. Collibra revealed its new data intelligence cloud capabilities and subsequently launched its Data Intelligence Cloud, showcasing their commitment to advancing data intelligence. Atlan introduced the future of data handling with its unveiling of Atlan AI. Our partners at DataOps.live are gearing up for their book launch, titled 'Data Products for Dummies,' which is to be premiered at the BigData London Conference 2023. In a surprising turn of events, Starburst announced a free version of its Starburst Enterprise Platform and further partnered with Privacera to protect sensitive data across distributed environments. Lastly, Neo4j took a huge leap forward, firstly by gens-ing up in Google Cloud LLM and subsequently by announcing the general availability of its Next-Generation GraphDatabase, Neo4j 5. These developments highlight the cease less innovation and growth that our partners continue to bring to the technology industry, ensuring that XponentL is at the forefront of these exciting changes.

Our Blog

Our Blog

In this issue, we are sharing our latest blogs that delve into various aspects of data management, providing insightful analysis and actionable strategies: 

In this issue, we are sharing our latest blogs that delve into various aspects of data management, providing insightful analysis and actionable strategies: 

Unleashing the Potential: Overcoming Healthcare Data Challenges for Optimal Value Realization

Our deep-dive into the challenges and solutions in healthcare data management can offer actionable insights into leveraging data for patient care and healthcare system optimization.

The Biopharmaceutical Revolution: Why Data Products?

This piece dissects the role of robust data products in the biopharmaceutical industry and how they are transforming the discovery, development, and delivery of biotherapies.

The business of data

In this article, we delve into the economics of data, exploring how businesses can harness its potential as a revenue stream and a driver of critical business decisions.

The business of data Vol 2

Our CDO, Matt Arellano, just dropped a new article. He’s putting the spotlight on the 'not-so-glamorous' world of corporate data. Spoiler: It's not all spreadsheets and SQL queries. 📊😉  He ponders why we’re stuck in the corporate Stone Age when it comes to data, while our personal lives are practically living in a Star Trek episode. Beam me up, Scotty! 🛸 Matt’s big idea? A Data Product Marketplace - a kind of 'data swap meet' where solutions and insights are traded faster than you can say "BI tool."

Unlock the Vault of Knowledge: Two Epic

Info-Rich Podcasts Await!

Unlock the Vault of Knowledge: Two Epic

Info-Rich Podcasts Await!

An amazing episode from a16z about Adapting Biopharma to AI

Our team loves uncovering insights from thought leaders who are shaking up their industries. This week, we stumbled upon a gem of a podcast episode that we just couldn't keep to ourselves.It's an episode from a16z featuring Greg Meyers, the EVP and Chief Digital andTechnology Officer at Bristol Myers Squibb. While chatting with a16z's Bio + HealthGeneral Partner, Jorge Conde, Greg delves into how AI is set to revolutionize drug discovery and development at major biopharma companies.Their conversation got us fired up - not just about the future of biopharma, but about how businesses like can help organizations adapt and evolve to fully harness the potential of technologies like AI.At XponentL, we’re always excited about such advancements and their ripple effects across industries. We're keen to keep the conversation going in our community. Docheck out the podcast and share your thoughts with us.Here's the link: https://bio-eats-world.simplecast.com/episodes/adapting-biopharma-to-aiSalim shared some serious wisdom about how ExOs grow a whopping10x faster than other businesses

Our team at XponentL has been all ears to a podcast episode we can't stop talking about. It's an a16z episode featuring Salim Ismail, the genius who introduced us to the concept of Exponential Organizations.We're not just listening though - here at XponentL, we're applying these insights everyday. We're all about empowering businesses to step into the future, embrace rapid scale, and break free from traditional limits. And we're doing it with the same principles that Salim advocates. Salim shared some serious wisdom about how ExOs grow a whopping 10x faster than other businesses - and we were all scribbling notes!We'd love for you to join us on this exciting journey! Why not give the podcast a listen and let us know your thoughts?

Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdmqZQLwMD8&ab_channel=a16z

An amazing episode from a16z about Adapting Biopharma to AI

Our team loves uncovering insights from thought leaders who are shaking up their industries. This week, we stumbled upon a gem of a podcast episode that we just couldn't keep to ourselves.It's an episode from a16z featuring Greg Meyers, the EVP and Chief Digital andTechnology Officer at Bristol Myers Squibb. While chatting with a16z's Bio + HealthGeneral Partner, Jorge Conde, Greg delves into how AI is set to revolutionize drug discovery and development at major biopharma companies.Their conversation got us fired up - not just about the future of biopharma, but about how businesses like can help organizations adapt and evolve to fully harness the potential of technologies like AI.At XponentL, we’re always excited about such advancements and their ripple effects across industries. We're keen to keep the conversation going in our community. Docheck out the podcast and share your thoughts with us.Here's the link: https://bio-eats-world.simplecast.com/episodes/adapting-biopharma-to-aiSalim shared some serious wisdom about how ExOs grow a whopping10x faster than other businesses

Our team at XponentL has been all ears to a podcast episode we can't stop talking about. It's an a16z episode featuring Salim Ismail, the genius who introduced us to the concept of Exponential Organizations.We're not just listening though - here at XponentL, we're applying these insights everyday. We're all about empowering businesses to step into the future, embrace rapid scale, and break free from traditional limits. And we're doing it with the same principles that Salim advocates. Salim shared some serious wisdom about how ExOs grow a whopping 10x faster than other businesses - and we were all scribbling notes!We'd love for you to join us on this exciting journey! Why not give the podcast a listen and let us know your thoughts?

Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdmqZQLwMD8&ab_channel=a16z

Meet the Stars of Our Team and Advisors!

Meet the Stars of Our Team and Advisors!

We're delighted to announce that Dr. Morales and Jerry Weitzman have recently

joined our team. Allow us to introduce their esteemed backgrounds and significant


We're delighted to announce that Dr. Morales and Jerry Weitzman have recently

joined our team. Allow us to introduce their esteemed backgrounds and significant


Wrapping up

Wrapping up

As we wrap up our inaugural newsletter, we wish to extend our deepest gratitude to you. Your continued partnership and unwavering faith in XponentL are what fuels our passion to continuously innovate and strive for excellence.  

Your engagement means more than just business to us, it signifies a shared commitment to navigate the complexities of the data landscape together. Your perspectives enrich our understanding, and your questions ignite our exploration.They enable us to push the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of data.  

As we embark on this exciting journey of sharing insights through this newsletter, we encourage you to stay connected, keep questioning, and continue inspiring us. It's the intertwining of our narratives that builds the greater story of transformation that we are all a part of. 

Here's to the power of data, the strength of collaboration, and the promise of a brighter, more informed future. 

Until the next edition, 

As we wrap up our inaugural newsletter, we wish to extend our deepest gratitude to you. Your continued partnership and unwavering faith in XponentL are what fuels our passion to continuously innovate and strive for excellence.  

Your engagement means more than just business to us, it signifies a shared commitment to navigate the complexities of the data landscape together. Your perspectives enrich our understanding, and your questions ignite our exploration.They enable us to push the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of data.  

As we embark on this exciting journey of sharing insights through this newsletter, we encourage you to stay connected, keep questioning, and continue inspiring us. It's the intertwining of our narratives that builds the greater story of transformation that we are all a part of. 

Here's to the power of data, the strength of collaboration, and the promise of a brighter, more informed future. 

Until the next edition,